
St Thérèse of Lisieux Novena

‘A King who had set out on the chase noticed his dogs pursuing a small white rabbit which was just ahead of them. When the little rabbit began to sense that the dogs were about to pounce on it, it turned suddenly and bounded back, jumping into the arms of the huntsman. Deeply moved by this show of confidence the king from then on cherished the rabbit as his own. He allowed no one to molest it and nourished and cared for the little animal himself. You see, no matter how helpless we feel, we have only to leap up into God’s arms. Then he will be so touched, as it were, by our CONFIDENCE that he cannot help but repay our trust’. St Thérèse of Lisieux. I praise God for this insight which is wholly practical. When I get chased by lower instincts and put confidence in God making the leap - following the Little Way - she suggests Jesus rewards me.  ‘One day when I was nearing the end of my life and feeling absolutely bereft and forsaken by God, I was in the garden, walking very s...